Written on Thursday, July 27, 2006 (on the plane over to Tejas)
The other day while feeling bad, I bought myself a beautiful pair of deep-red, patent leather, closed toe, classic high heeled shoes.
I’ve always wanted a good pair of red shoes.
And last night I found myself packing them up alongside some old, tattered, dirty flip flops. They are meant to be broken in someplace else.
Here in Austin, it is hot, humid and wide-spread – just like I remember Texas.
You see, that’s the thing about Texas. It sticks to you, like the humidity. And already, in some ways, it seems like San Francisco was a fairy-land, foggy dream. Did all that ever really happen? Did I really live in such an amazing world-famous city, on my own, in a cool neighborhood, dance naked for some funny money, do media work, go to the Hopi reservation and Alaska, meet Maya Angelou, get my heart swollen and broken, hang on for dear life in the Muni, run down the stairs to jump on the BART, participate in some of the largest protests, smoke the best herb and meet the strangest, coolest, funkiest people? As a matter of fact, it can be said that I indeed met the tin man with no heart, the lion with no courage, the scarecrow with no brain while skipping around in the emerald city.
And the result of that messy mosaic is formidable. My wisdom is heavier, like a water-balloon. My conscience looks bright like white linen shining through sun. My heart is large and filled with the deep blue liquid of humility. And, my spirit. She is light and boundless – forever rising above me, watching the landscape and guiding me where to go next.
But there is something I must say to you all, my fellow travelers down this yellow brick road: In my deepest core I am certain some day, some how, I will click those shiny red heels of mine and return to Oz – taking the emerald city within me.
But, for now I’ve got to admit ------- there’s no place like home.
A big embrace to my California peeps. You are with me for life.
And to SF --- I've never felt a warmer embrace from any other cold place.
Thank you.
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