Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Today is hard.

I can't find a job and it's making me understand some things. I've hated this system for so long. It's broken and forever will be unable to sustain anyone who knows it.
I have purposely lived my life eccentrically -- creatively learning to earn a living.
I'm a writer.
I'm a musician.
I'm a strong communicator.
I'm a dancer.

I can look good on paper but even better in action. Yet, what I don't have is the ability nor the desire to put on the smile, nod my head, wear what they wear, say what they say -- nor do I have the desire to even try.
So, that leaves me here -- living in-between the cracks I've fallen through. Or, maybe I purposely dove into them trying to avoid becoming 'one of them'.
And it's lonely in this crevice. Once in a while someone else falls in - someone new. Then, I become a teacher. This is what becomes my job.

"How did you get here?" they ask. "Did you see that hole up ahead?"
I wonder about my answer. Because I didn't necessarily see the hole up ahead. But, subconsciously I may have wished for a detour - something - anything to take me away from this unnatural way of being.
"No", I say daydreaming into their eyes. "I slipped."

But, I've got to be honest. The truth is I've chosen to stay here. I hear the mainstream traffic above me pounding ahead. Like herds of animals, I can tell the time when they are rising to go west and when, at the end of the day, they herd together towards the setting sun.
Mumblings, lights, drips and odors sometimes make their way down here. And I love when the soft rain falls gracefully onto the pavement above me. It is slow to drip into this crack but when it does it brings glitter - making this old, deep dark earth sweat.

I swear at times I can sense someone spotting the hole but choosing to jump over it with their brand new heels, in the rain. But something in me can see their pause. Their eyebrows furrowing and eyes searching back within their sockets.
Instead, they move on with the traffic. Maybe they'll return someday with a flashlight.

"Do you know the way out?" asks the newly fallen.
We look at each other exchanging subliminal messages. Silence. No answer. Sighs.

Looking at them in the silence of the graceful rain, I quietly respond "It's just that today -- I don't know if I want to be found".


Obesio said...

What type of work are you seeking?

Anonymous said...

It can be hard when you simply aren't equipped with whatever it is that makes it possible for so many to settle for an unexamined path through this world.

We have no role models for fringe-dwelling; for quilting together a life that serves OUR needs instead of some corporate bottom line.

I know my parents wish I had a fancy title they could point to as proof that I've suceeded, but since no one is yet paying me for being the President of Living Life on My Terms, they have to content themselves with signifiers of a life well-lived: a happy, healthy, bright grandchild, living in a stable, comfortable home; a daughter who always manages *somehow* to thrive in whatever new pursuit she's embarked upon, supported all the while by a loving network of close friends and ex-lovers.

For whatever it's worth - coming as it does from an anonymous voice out of the ether - you're doing the right thing. Our lives are too precious to be frittered away in safe, mind-numbing careers. Forging your own path isn't easy, but the work is worth it and what you lack in 401Ks and stock options, you make up for in having a life that is an adventure.

You're electric like the sky and strong as time girl, don't let the hard days get you down.

Chriselda said...

Thank you anonymous! What a wonderful, amazing gift you are.
I am amazed at how many of "us' are out there. This is why I began this blog -- to find you and others like you. It's ashamed in a world filled with billions of people that most have forgotten how to be - human.
Bravo to you for your expression and manifesting these things in your own life.
I can't thank you enough for your encouragement. It was like rain in a dry desert.

I hope you will keep coming back.


Anonymous said...

We all fall into crevacis and holes. we also stumble upon walls of destruction. Then again it's how we leap over that wall and how we climb out of the hole, and how we get up and get out of the crevises of life that makes us stronger. Is it that we choose to climb, pull ourselves, and decide to get up and get out of the crevecis. We choose because we know we are better than to sit there whimpering like dogs and howling for help. Our inner strength is what motivates us all. We all rise like you... The Ph Bird that you are. Rise from the ashes with fire burning exileration. You alone are my motivation, my voice, the unsilent minority in us all. how we tend to talk about those whom helped us get to where we are. you've changed lives in many ways. Your drive has given life to my destiny. like the unseen stars up above. just cause i dont see them as i dont see you . you are always in my prayers and thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Your not alone out there...I too have been looking for employment. I recently was laid off and am a single parent! I have 9 years of work experience but no degree. Work is hard to find. But I pray everyday and wake up every morning with some sense of hope and new doors to open while others have closed.